Hello friends, welcome to the Candlestick System blog. My name is Shankar Gomaladu. I am a full time chart trader, I do 90% of my trading by looking at charts which has given me a lot of experience in chart trading. I have a special love for technology, coding and trading. I have been associated with the stock market sector for the last 8 years. And I have been doing chart trading continuously for the last 5 years and with that I have good knowledge of the best stock and forex markets in the world, so I thought why not share this knowledge with all of you.
You will find a lot of information related to candlestick chart patterns, candlestick types, powerful candlestick patterns, candlestick pdf, candlestick chart analysis and trading on this blog. If you have any questions, you can ask me by emailing at Tradersline121@gmail.com.